Matriux: A Fully Featured Security Distribution Cyber Forensic Tool

Matriux: A Fully Featured Security Distribution Cyber Forensic Tool

Matriux: A Fully Featured Security Distribution Tool

Matriux is a GNU/Linux, Debian-based security distribution that is designed for diffusion testing as well as for the investigations of cyber forensic. 

But it is a mainly designed for security enthusiasts as well as professionals that can also be used usually as your default OS and it is also used through any Linux user which performs as a desktop system for day-to-day computing.  

Even the standard Debian software that also ships with an optimized GNOME desktop interface above 300 open-source tools for penetration testing as well as a custom-built Linux kernel.

It is designed for the run from a live environment such as a CD / DVD or USB stick or it can be simply installed on your hard disks in a few steps in no time. As well as it also includes a combination of computer forensics and data recovery tools which can be used for forensic analysis as well as investigations and data retrieval.

Now Matriux is a member of OIN(Open Invention Network).

Fundamental Statistics:
  • OS Type: Linux
  • Based On: Debian
  • Origin: India
  • Architecture: i386

GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)

  • Custom kernel 3.9.4 (patched with aufs, squashfs, and xz filesystem mode, includes support for wide range of wireless drivers and hardware) Includes support for alfa card 0036NH
  • It has faster interface
  • It consists more than 340 tools powerful for penetration testing and forensics
  • There are a new section PCI-DSS tools in Arsenal
  • It has high emphasis on forensics
  • It supports greater hardware 
  • Matriux comes with custom installer
  • It also supports USB persistence
  • UI inspired from Greek Mythology
  • It also included IPv6 tools.
  • It has easy integration with VirtualBox and VMware player even in Live mode.
  • Even it also includes latest tools introduced at Blackhat 2013 and Defcon 2013, Updated build until September 22, 2013.


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